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Changing the Face: Pushkinskiy Cinema



The location of the building in the central square of the city raises the question of the relationship between the building and the urban space.

The idea is to erase this line to blur the boundaries of the building and urban space, to include the building in the urban landscape by combining existing and proposed public urban spaces.


An important point in the existing form of the cinema is the connection with Pushkin Square. The main staircase, bridge and entrance level balcony are prerequisites for the development of the area to the side, on top and through the cinema building.


In the project, the surface of Pushkin Square rises to the level of the roof of the cinema across its entire width. The new design is the surface that serves as a staircase to the main entrance, a platform with a view of the square (open city theater), as well as a communication area on the roof.


The roof of the building is transformed into a city square. The area can develop through neighboring buildings to connect with the boulevard, becoming part of a continuous pedestrian zone - this option is shown in the project as a possible development.


Currently, the existing open spaces around the cinema hall inevitably become indoor, adding space to the main lobby. Thus, the main lobby takes shape corresponding to the size of the cinema and is more convenient for events such as festivals and film premieres.



Architects: Sergey Pospelov, Vladimir Belskiy, Ildar Valishin

Location: Pushkinskaya 2, Moscow, Russia

Project: 2011

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